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! Attribute !! Domain !! Cardinality
! Attribute !! Domain !! Cardinality
| Disease (PK) || text || M2M
| Disease (PK) || text || M2M

Revision as of 22:45, 9 February 2023

Database Basic

  • Relational databases (e.g. MySQL) are probably the most common. Essentially they store data in a set of 2D tables (relations) that follow certain rules of normalization and can be linked to each other via relational algebra (mostly set theory type functions).
  • To address problems encountered when trying to interface a RDBMS with an object-oriented programming language, alternative non-relational database structures (e.g. XML, NoSQL, Hierarchical, Network) are available and may have advantages in certain situations.
  • Tables (Relations/Relvars) are made up of Rows (Tuples/Records) and Columns (Attributes/Fields) where the intersection at a certain cell is called a value.
  • Attributes contain values of the same data type (domain), e.g. integer, string, boolean.
  • Each Tuple should have a primary key (normally an arbitrary integer) that identifies a unique tuple. Natural keys (those based on attributes) are possible as well but less optimized.
  • Databases can be indexed to streamline queries.

Useful Wikipedia Pages

Working Prototype

Disease Risk Factors Associated Conditions Complications Symptoms Vitals Signs Labs Imaging Studies
Primary Key LIST of epidemiologic risk factors (age, sex, race, family history) problem LIST at time of presentation LIST of possible complications (screening and anticipatory guidance) LIST of symptoms (keep it broad: chest pain rather than substernal acute pressure-like chest pain with radiation) LIST of vital abnormalities LIST of pertinent positive/negative physical exam findings LIST relevant lab abnormalities LIST of useful imaging findings LIST relevant echo/ECG/PFT/sleep/etc studies
Base Table
Attribute Domain Cardinality
Disease (PK) text M2M
Risk factors text M2M
Associated Conditions text M2M
Complications text M2M
Symptoms text M2M
Vitals text M2M
Signs text M2M
Labs text M2M
Imaging text M2M
Studies text M2M