Nervous System Overview

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Revision as of 01:11, 27 January 2023 by Aesetholephews (talk | contribs)
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    • Brain
      • Forebrain
      • Midbrain
      • Hindbrain
    • Spinal Cord
      • Cervical
      • Thoracic
      • Lumbar
      • Sacral
    • Somatic
      • Efferent/Motor: primary motor cortex glutamatergic UMNs > corticospinal tract > anterior horn cholinergic alpha motor neurons (LMNs) > ventral roots > peripheral nerves > nAChRs on skeletal muscles
      • Afferent/Sensory: peripheral sensory receptors > peripheral nerves > dorsal roots > DCML/spinothalamic
    • Autonomic
      • Sympathetic
        • Efferent: lateral horn cholinergic preganglionic neurons > ventral roots > white ramus communicans > paravertebral sympathetic chain or prevertebral ganglia > postganglionic noradrenergic neurons > gray ramus communicans > peripheral nerves > adrenergic receptors (α1/α2, β1/β2) on target organs
        • Afferent: ...
      • Parasympathetic
        • Efferent: craniosacral outflow from CN III/VII/IX/X and S2-S4 > peripheral ganglia near target organs > target organs
        • Afferent: ...
    • Enteric