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Platelets come from megakariocytes and are produced in bone marrow and lung. Their development is stimulated by thrombopoeitin produced in liver and kidney. They are 2-3 um across. Platelet function follows the pattern: Adhesion -> Activation -> Aggregation. Platelet aggregation forms a platelet plug (primary hemostasis), which is stabilized by coagulation factors culminating in a fibrin mesh/net which stabilizes the platelet plug.


  • Clumping


  • Hypersplenism


  • HIGH IPF%, Prolonged PT / aPTT
  • What happens to platelets after they help form a clot?
  • DIC
  • ITP
  • TTP
  • HUS
  • HIT

Decreased Production

  • LOW IPF%
  • Parvo
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • Cancer
  • Chemotherapy
  • Liver disease?